Wednesday, March 28, 2012

DA Essay Draft/Notes

For my Discourse Analysis Essay I chose the Chat Room Transcript. This transcript interested me because I think there is a certain relationship between the interviewer and the person being interviewed. At some points in the transcript the interviewer does not even have to ask the person being interviewed any questions in order to get feedback. I felt as if this interview was very laid back. The interviewer seemed to actually have a normal conversation with the person. Does an interview have to be all about questioning? Can it be an actual conversation? Does it make the person being interviewed more relaxed and comfortable?
I would examine this essay by looking at the importance of social contexts. Are there certain ways that people interact with eachother? How do people interact with strangers? Does casual conversation make it easier for a person to feel comforable rather than using questions?
I noticed that in the beginning of the transcript the interviewer makes a joke about publishing the interview; does humor help a person relax?
One question I would definitely ask throughout my essay is:
Why is it easier for a person to talk to someone through a computer? Does face-to-face interaction make a person feel inferior?
The person being interviewed talked with a person in a chatroom and told them their telephone number. If the person being interiewed had seen the person they were talking with face-to-face, would they have even spoken to eachother?
I think that technology makes people too trusting and vulnerable.

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