Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Jessica Stern's Methodology

Jessica Stern is a researcher in terrorism. Stern was always curious about the causes of evil and violence. When she was fifteen years old her and her sister were raped. They both went on to lead normal lives after the trauma. However, the trauma affected her schoolwork and reflected upon her choice in career.
Later in her life she revisited her rape case. Her community seemed to be in denial about what happened. It seemed impossible for two young girls to be raped at gunpoint in a small Massachusetts town. She realized that since she put her rape aside, she was searching for answers as to why a man would do such a thing. Similarly why a terrorist would commit such a terrible act.
I think the methodology that Stern is using is an autobiography. She tells the reader about her life and events in it. She tells the reader about events that occurred early in her life before the rape and how it affected the rest of her life.
Evan's limitations related to Jessica Stern's story because it let the reader empathize with her story. I felt a lot of emotion when reading her story. It was something very personal and I felt bad that she had to go through a lot in her life.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blog 3: Expanded Research Project

I still want to research fads in literature. My research question is more than likely going to be as followed: How has literature changed over time and what kinds of literature are the most popular in our current society?.

In order to satisfy the question I am going to have to interview several different people from different cultures. I think people with different backgrounds will really give me a different perspective on how things have changed and what they consider to be literature. I will interview people between the ages of 18-75. I will ask them what they like to read, what they have read, and what they consider to be literature. As I said in an earlier blog there are many different genres of lterature such as anime books, video games, nook books, and etc..

When I first begin my research project I am going to research the beginning of literature. We all know that there were folk tales and people that passed down stories because they could not read. That was a form of literature in the earlier ages.
I will have to research the different genres because I do not know all of them.

Since I am not allowed to interview children, I will ask what the people have read when they were younger and how they think things have changed since they were a child.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Blog 2: Research Project

I would like to explore how fads in English Literature have changed over time and what counts as literature to specific age groups. Our society has come a long way from telling stories to each other to reading on a device of some sort. Technology has changed our views of literature by a great margin. There are many different genre's of literature. Since there are many new and rising kinds of literature it makes you think about what is considered literature. Are video games literature? What about comics? Anime books? There is a lot to research and think about. Folklore, and Shakespeare are just a few of what had been popular. New generations of people are reading fan fiction now. I would ask a variety of people within different age groups what they currently read and what they consider to be literature. I could go to different bookstores and ask what people are buying/reading. In order for my exploration to work, I need to research the beginning of literature and I would use the internet and book sources.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

definition of method, methodologies + skills

A method is a certain technique or way of doing something. A plan of some sort is devised in order to carry out a procedure. Everyone has their own way of doing things; we call those ways a method. While reading the Griffin text on pages 1-16, I came across what methodologies are. Methodologies are concerned with the perspectives you bring to bear on your work as Griffin said. I think that methodologies are more in depth than a method; it is a more specific way of doing something. A skill is something a person already knows from prior knowledge. It is the ability to carry out a plan or a procedure. All of these things help us with research. There are certain steps we can take to achieve a high outcome from researching something.